Мурманский морской рыбный порт: корпоративный сайт


STEVEDORING WITH INTRA-PORT TRANSFER OF CATEGORY 3 (warehouse-vehicle or vice versa: warehouse-rail car, warehouse-autocar, warehouse-berth or vice versa)

Cargo Tariff per 1 ton (gross) in roubles (net of VAT)
1. Fishing industry products   
1.1. Fish-meal in bags  517,90 
1.2. Fish and other frozen products (in package)  344,40 
1.3. Fish and other frozen products (in bulk )  456,70 
1.4. Cartoned products, chilled fish in boxes 293,80 
1.5. Fish oil in package 234,70 
2. Package  
2.1. Cans (in containers)                                      278,90 
2.2. Carton 364,50 
3. Other cargos  
3.1. Packaged salt                           194,80 
3.2. Roundwood 289,70 
3.3. Sawn wood products, timber 217,40 
3.4. Ice 482,50 
3.5. Latten 265,40 
3.6. Other non-defined cargos 563,40 
3.7. Hardcoal (standard condition) 296,50 
3.8. Scrap iron 327,40 
3.9. Stove woods 165,70 
3.10. Bagged cement 407,70 
3.11. Freighted 20-footers per unit 1 554,50 
3.12. Freighted 40-footers per unit 1 840,60 
3.13. Containers (empty) from 1 101 kg to 5 000 kg in weight (incl. empty 20, 40-footers) per unit 1 138,00 
3.14. Containers (freighted), with a maximum available load of up to 10 000 kg per unit  915,00 
3.15. Containers (empty) up to 1 100 kg per unit 535,00 
3.16. Cargo in big-bags (plastic containers with a cargo capacity of 0,5  - 2 tons) 563,40 

Remarks to Table 2: 

1. When stevedoring of frozen coal, the tariffs are increased by 1,35.

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